Money allows us to hire outside writers, include more artwork, and allows us to eat once in a while (wink, wink). We appreciate any contribution to help produce content. There are several ways to help enhance this product: When you enhance this product, we will improve upon it with updates and even expand its content. With continued contributions, we intend to develop this product into a fully-fledged guidbook. Variants. Blood as spell components as well as an alternative wizard feature to replace Arcane Recovery: Blood Channeler.Characterization.Suggestions on how to create characters steeped in blood magic.
Blood-Dreader, Blood Leech, Potion of Cruor, Sanguine Blade. New Spells. Several new spells, including a playtest for blood spells.Half-spawn possess supernatural gifts due to the vampiric blood that runs through their veins. New Subrace. The half-spawn are born under the duress of their mother transforming into a vampire spawn.Rage burns in the heart of these savage barbarians through ancestral ties and feed from the pain and anguish suffered in combat. Born from vampire or demonic masters, but now free from their grasp, blood thralls desire to control the power that still pumps in their veins. Bloodline sorcerers seek to harness the potent lineage of another. King's Blood. A sorcerous origin for 5th Edition.The original as highlighted in the Unearthed Arcana article and a second, updated version involving a different mechanic. This product contains two versions of this tradition. Blood Magic. A wizard tradition for 5th Edition.Thanks for the support - we've expanded Blood Magic to provide Players and Game Masters with the following for thrilling play: Featured in Issue 7 of Dragon+ Magazine and Unearthed Arcana in the March 2016 Review by Mike Mearls and Chris Lindsay!